
2010年5月25日—VLOOKUPwillworkonclosedworkbooks,butINDIRECTwon't.SeethispostforafewalternativestoINDIRECTonaclosedworkbook.,2017年9月14日—TheformulawithINDIRECTwouldbe:=VLOOKUP(A2,INDIRECT('MasterSheet'!$A$2),4,FALSE).ButINDIRECTrequiresthatthereferenceworkbookbe ...,2023年3月22日—ThisExcelINDIRECTtutorialexplainsthefunction'ssyntax,basicusesandprovidesanumberofformulaexamplesthatdemonstratehow...

Adding a file path into a formula that is typed into a another ...

2010年5月25日 — VLOOKUP will work on closed workbooks, but INDIRECT won't. See this post for a few alternatives to INDIRECT on a closed workbook.

Dynamically changing the file path of source workbook in ...

2017年9月14日 — The formula with INDIRECT would be: =VLOOKUP(A2,INDIRECT('Master Sheet'!$A$2),4,FALSE). But INDIRECT requires that the reference workbook be ...

Excel INDIRECT function

2023年3月22日 — This Excel INDIRECT tutorial explains the function's syntax, basic uses and provides a number of formula examples that demonstrate how to ...

how to fix Excel VLookup return #ref! with Indirect + ...

2023年1月13日 — FYI: I'm using a Mac, and the files are both opens. I try the basic vlookup and works, isolated the concatenate function to build the path and ...

INDIRECT Function with full Path (Problem)

2018年1月1日 — Hi You can only use INDIRECT to reference another workbook if it's open. =INDIRECT('&A1&[&A2&]&A3&'!&A4)

Insert filepath into VLOOKUP function?

2011年2月12日 — What I would do for this exercise so that Indirect can be used is to add a worksheet for a linked copy of the Table Arrays for the formula.

Using Name Variable within External Workbook Lookup Path

2021年3月14日 — Hi all, I have a lookup to an eternal workbook currently taking place using the following formula:

Vlookup and insert date from cell into file pathname

I have a Vlookup formula that works, but now I want to have it read a date from a cell in the current worksheet, and make that date/string? part of the full ...

vlookup using cell as path

2021年3月24日 — hi all - been trying to use a vlookup formula to get a result. lots of variables in this. - look up value is dynamic - the path/file to be ...

VLOOKUP with CONCATENATE in dynamic filepath ...

2018年2月8日 — I am opening the file from a network drive. I tried your suggestion above and produced the following formula: =VLOOKUP(G$2, INDIRECT('I:-HAT- ...